Fashion Archives - Page 2 of 3 - C Color
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Whatever comes from the brain carries the hue of the place it came from, and whatever comes from the heart carries the heat and color of its birthplace..... Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

Personal Stylist

Are you feeling dissatisfied with your style or uninspired by your wardrobe? Or, do you have difficulty locating garments that appeal to you when…

Your image transcends your physical appearance, accordingly a holistic approach to self improvement is first and foremost. Improving your image can…

Color is the keystone of all garments. If you have found coordinating colors taxing, as most people do, you may have a wardrobe filled with neutral…

Man choosing which color to wear to an interview

Interviewing can be a stressful time for candidates, as the thought of being judged by your appearance, past experiences and answers to probing…

Coordinating colors can be a challenging effort for most, as there does not seem to be an available formula for success. A repercussion of seeking…

Woman wearing ideal colors for her complexion.

When looking in the mirror, your eyes are drawn towards your face, therefore, you might ask: “What color should I wear for my complexion?” The…

C Color Differently