Interviewing can be a stressful time for candidates, as the thought of being judged by your appearance, past experiences and answers to probing questions can be disconcerting.
Color can alleviate one of these challenges. Wearing the optimal interview colors can not only create confidence and promote well-being, but, also can elicit a favorable response from the person conducting the interview.
Since more than 16.7 million colors exist, how can you ascertain the colors that will complement you during an interview? As an aspiring professional, you may be seeking guidance.
The C Color Ideology was built on the foundation of a color gene within your DNA. Wearing colors within your C Color Spectrum can allow you to look, think, feel, act, learn and heal your best.
In this article, we demystify the misconceptions of standard color advice surrounding interviews and provide a framework for discovering the superb colors for you.
Why The Colors That You Wear To An Interview Are Vital To Your Presentation
Dressing for success is an effective strategy for interviewing and all else in life. The often missed ingredient in this equation is color, as color is the key to success.
Below is an example of a model in both C Color Spectrum 2, that has a predominant Cool Blue Base and C Color Spectrum 3, that has a predominant Warm Yellow Base.
Distinctly, when the model is clad in C Color Spectrum 3 colors, she has a flawless and glowing complexion, as the model, in reality, is within the C Color Spectrum 3 category.
The After Photograph Displays Yellow Based Hair, Makeup And Blazer; Resulting In C Color Spectrum 3
Many “Dress For Success” books recommend that men wear a navy jacket, white shirt and red tie. That particular combination has been proven to be constructive, although, one must note, that the trappings are secondary to the colors. Of course, a suit can denote professionalism, authority, even competence, more so than a red sweater, white shirt and casual blue trousers can, however, without the colors, clothing is a mere backdrop.
Posture, personality, self assuredness and skill can carry a colorless guise, if necessary, but, color enhances all of the attributes mentioned above. The sublime colors, proper attire, accessories and if appropriate, cosmetics can elevate your interview presentation and performance.
Wearing your transcendent colors can beautify your presence, enable you to think and communicate clearly and motivate you to act your best. Rather than second guessing your color choices, you can focus your energy toward sharing your qualifications and traits. One layer of stress and anxiety, that is inevitably associated with the interviewing process can be removed.
Interview Colors
The standard rule of thumb is that the best colors to wear to an interview are navy, black, gray and brown.
Colors send subtle, yet specific messages about you, as a person. Factors, such as position, company culture and work environment should also be taken into consideration when selecting your interview apparel. If you are a creative person interviewing for a design role, your finery can express your innovative and artistic nature.
Dressing professionally is first and foremost, whereas, the supreme colors, styled in a professional fashion can complement your qualities and ensure that you are remembered by the person interviewing you.
To guide you in this enterprise, the revised and embellished C Color App will be launching within the next couple of weeks.
C Color also offers an Online Store that sells C Color Coordinates. C Color Coordinates are ensemble palettes of colors that are available for purchase by means of the links below or on the C Color website.
Click Below To Purchase C Color Spectrum Coordinated Ensemble Palettes
Please Note: C Color Coordinates Are Not Traditional Color Palettes
C Color Coordinates are meant to assist clients with the coordination and integration of colors and patterns for wardrobes, interiors and exteriors of homes, offices and automobiles, and beyond. The palettes are supplemental to the C Color App.
The hues in the palettes are from within your C Color Spectrum and portray vertical ensembles, patterns and colors that can be interchangeable.
C Color Spectrums are categories of hundreds of thousands of colors. Each of the four. C Color Spectrums are classified by the temperature, saturation, and predominant base of one of the primary colors of either blue, yellow, or red.
Owning to the fact, that palettes are associated with the C Color Spectrums, it is a prerequisite to take the C Color Quiz.
Attire is fundamental, nonetheless, the power lies in the colors that encompass your outwardly self.
C Color is the first and only company to quantify intuitive color preferences. Quantifying intuitive color partialities is the specialty of C Color and that Ideology and the C Color Methodology will accommodate you in living life in your unparalleled color environment.
As previously stated, the C Color Ideology is dependent upon a color gene. You are born with peculiar predispositions toward colors. In other words, every person is inherently drawn to certain colors and embodies the virtue of color intelligence.
To champion you in identifying your consummate colors, C Color has classified the myriad of colors in the world, into four distinct C Color Spectrums. These colors are categorized by the predominant base of one of the primary colors of either blue, yellow or red.
When you wear the colors from your C Color Spectrum, your complexion will appear flawless and glow and people will be drawn towards you, as you are following an ingrained trait. All individuals are born with a color gene within their DNA.
Correspondingly, during this exciting time, C Color has become an Amazon Affiliate. That means in our Blog Posts, we are offering products that have been certified to be within your C Color Spectrum.
Along with C Color Coordinates, the introduced ensembles teach you to construct and harmoniously blend a wardrobe affirmed by your C Color Spectrum.
The merchandise below consists of colors from within C COLOR SPECTRUM 3 and is presented in a variety of price points. Succedent, the accessories can be intermixed with each main garment.
To View More Apparel, Accessories, And Makeup, Please Visit The C Color/Amazon Storefront
Unfortunately, online advice surrounding interview colors is subjective, as shown below by a CareerBuilder survey of 2,000 HR professionals and hiring managers. The survey claims that wearing certain colors can impart specific skills to interviewers.
1. Blue
The survey cites blue as the most recommended color to wear to an interview, garnering 25 percent of the votes.
According to the survey, interviewers say blue exudes reliability, sensitivity, harmony and stability, attributes for an employee tasked with coordinating teams and projects.
C Color inquires, how is it possible to predict that a person is reliable, sensitive, harmonious and stable, predicated upon a color?
The truth is that there are millions of the colors of blue, aptly wearing the less than optimal blue color could distract from your bearing and defeat the purpose of wearing the blue hue. If you are intuitively attracted to a color, that attests to the fact, that you are wearing an optimal color.
Below are examples of how each of the four C Color Spectrums can wear blue colors.
Please note that clothing and accessory colors are for reference only and do not represent the models’ C Color Spectrums.
Notice the differences in the four C Color Spectrums;
- C Color Spectrum 1 Blue is Cool/Blue Based, Less Saturated, Appears Rubbed with Ash
- C Color Spectrum 2 Blue is Cool/Blue Based, More Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 3 Blue is Warm/Yellow Based, Moderately Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 4 Blue is Warm/Red Based, Less Saturated, Appears Rubbed with Earth
The key is the base of the predominant color of one of the primary colors of blue, yellow and red.
2. Black
Black was listed second on the list of best interview colors, earning 15 percent of the vote.
Black hues may not be the prudent choice for all people that interview.
According to the C Color Methodology, only two, of the four C Color Spectrums contain the millions of the colors of black and those are C Color Spectrum 1 and C Color Spectrum 2. The additional two C Color Spectrums 3 and 4 are both composed of the millions of the colors of gray and the millions of the colors of brown.
The less than par colors can drain the life from your complexion and make you appear, as if you are disappearing. The opposite of being memorable in an interview.
Below are examples of how each of the four C Color Spectrums can wear gray, black, charcoal and brown colors.
Please note that clothing and accessory colors are for reference only and do not represent the models’ C Color Spectrums.
Notice the differences in the four C Color Spectrums;
- C Color Spectrum 1 Gray and Black are Cool/Blue Based, Less Saturated, Appears Rubbed with Ash
- C Color Spectrum 2 Black is Cool/Blue Based, More Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 3 Charcoal is Warm/Yellow Based, Moderately Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 4 Brown is Warm/Red Based, Less Saturated, Appears Rubbed with Earth
The key is the base of the predominant color of one of the primary colors of blue, yellow and red.
Please Note That C Color Spectrum 2 White Hues Are Stark White, With An Ice Blue Cast, Hence Impossible To Display Online
3. Gray
The survey suggests that wearing gray may signal that you are strong numerically and a logical thinker.
C Color inquires, how is it possible to predict that a person is numerically oriented and logical, predicated upon a color?
The truth is that there are millions of the colors of gray, that begs the question; which gray color are the HR professionals and hiring managers referring to exactly? The survey portrays canons that are subjective and not supported with facts.
The appropriate color of gray can adorn your semblance, while the same gray color may magnify less than desirable features in another candidate.
Below are examples of how each of the four C Color Spectrums can wear gray, blue, lavender, green and brown colors.
Please note that clothing and accessory colors are for reference only and do not represent the models’ C Color Spectrums.
Notice the differences in the four C Color Spectrums;
- C Color Spectrum 1 Gray is Cool/Blue Based, Less Saturated, Appears Rubbed with Ash
- C Color Spectrum 2 Blue is Cool/Blue Based, More Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 3 Gray and Lavender is Warm/Yellow Based, Moderately Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 4 Green and Brown is Warm/Red Based, Less Saturated, Appears Rubbed with Earth
The key is the base of the predominant color of one of the primary colors of blue, yellow and red.
Please Note That C Color Spectrum 2 White Hues Are Stark White, With An Ice Blue Cast, Hence Impossible To Display Online
4. White
Wearing white communicates that you may be organized and logical, as per the survey.
C Color inquires, how is it possible to predict that a person is organized and logical, predicated upon a color?
The truth is that there are millions of the colors of white, including, ivory and cream in this category. Attempting to discern the millions of white colors that the professionals and hiring manages found appealing is unfeasible, notwithstanding the fact, that these professionals most likely have differing opinions, regarding white hues.
5. Brown
The survey found that employers often associate brown with dependability.
C Color inquires, how is it possible to predict that a person is dependable, predicated upon a color?
Brown hues may not be the wisest choice for all people that interview.
According to the C Color Methodology, only two, of the four C Color Spectrums contain the millions of the colors of brown and those are C Color Spectrum 3 and C Color Spectrum 4. The additional two C Color Spectrums 1 and 2 are composed of the millions of the colors of black.
Please note that only two only of the four C Color Spectrums incorporate the millions of the colors of brown. The additional two C Color Spectrums are not composed of the colors of brown.
Take The C Color Quiz To Verify Your C Color Spectrum
Below are examples of how each of the four C Color Spectrums can wear black, brown and tan colors.
Please note that clothing and accessory colors are for reference only and do not represent the models’ C Color Spectrums.
Notice the differences in the four C Color Spectrums;
- C Color Spectrum 1 Black is Cool/Blue Based, Less Saturated, Appears Rubbed with Ash
- C Color Spectrum 2 Black is Cool/Blue Based, More Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 3 Brown is Warm/Yellow Based, Moderately Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 4 Tan is Warm/Red Based, Less Saturated, Appears Rubbed with Earth
The key is the base of the predominant color of one of the primary colors of blue, yellow and red.
6. Red
Determination and tenacity are essential characteristics to have when vying for jobs in competitive industries or sales organizations. When applying for jobs that value these qualities, the survey suggests that wearing red may reinforce your steadfast determination.
C Color inquires, how is it possible to predict that a person is determined and tenacious, predicated upon a color?
The truth is that there are millions of the colors of red included in this category and all colors are either more, moderately or less saturated. Red, burgundy and pink hues are variations of red. These results make one wonder if the professionals surveyed found candidates in all of the numerous tints, shades and tones of red, determined and tenacious.
7. Green, Yellow or Purple
People who wore green, yellow and purple while interviewing were viewed as more creative in the survey.
C Color inquires, how is it possible to predict that a person is creative, predicated upon a color?
The truth is that there are millions of the colors of green, yellow and purple included in these categories.
The color orange was deemed unprofessional by the HR professionals and hiring managers surveyed, thereupon, if you wore the color orange, with green, yellow or purple colors, to an interview, you would be considered an unprofessional creative candidate. Alternatively, wearing the color orange with the color gray would result in an unprofessional candidate that is numerically oriented and logical.
Another example of this subjective type of information is that the survey suggests that wearing a color, such as white, can transmit strong organizational skills, albeit, the survey could also indicate that the interviewer may not deem the candidate, as dependable, as that trait is associated with brown.
While a color survey may seem like a reliable source for color decisions, the survey above and other types of surveys offer blanket recommendations, derived from subjective data, that ignore the nuances of colors and the inborn color predilections of individuals.
Consequently, colors affect people in different ways. A color that animates one person, may drain the life out of another person.
It would be unfortunate if interviewers did indeed intermingle candidates ensemble colors and traits, as C Color advocates that all of the colors within an individual’s C Color Spectrum, can aid in exuding the favorable traits specified in this article.
All individuals are attracted to and can wear virtually all colors. With that said, it has been noted that individuals that belong to C Color Spectrum 1 and C Color Spectrum 2 find the colors of orange and brown unappealing and individuals that belong to C Color Spectrum 4 find the colors of pink unpleasant. While the C Color founder respects the views of these individuals, there is a belief that these colors could be created with the appropriate predominant primary base color. Browns and oranges could be created with cool blue ash bases or cool blue bases and pinks could be created with warm red earth bases.
The colors of your belongings must be within your C Color Spectrum, if you intend to present yourself in the best possible manner, in an interview.
The Acceptable Interview Color Inaccurately Deemed Unacceptable
The survey deemed orange the worst color to wear to an interview because it was most often associated with unprofessionalism.
C Color inquires, how is it possible to predict that a person is unprofessional, predicated upon a color?
Orange hues may not be the sound choice for all people that interview.
Please note that only two, of the four C Color Spectrums classify the millions of the colors of orange, including peach and coral. The additional two C Color Spectrums do not encompass the colors of orange.
On the other hand, orange is an exceptional and invigorating color for the highest percentage of people in the world. It is essential to discover your genetically preferred colors, rather than avoiding orange or any color for that matter.
Determining your intrinsic colors and then creating articles consisting of a few of these colors, to wear to an interview, will append your interviewing abilities.
The fittings that you select to wear to the interview is germane, as well. Wearing a tailored suit, crisp shirt and casual shoes can depict inconsistency. Or, an ill fitted suit can exude sloppiness and create confusion for the interviewer, thereby, diverting attention from your credentials.
The Role Of Cosmetic Colors While Interviewing
Cosmetics appear prominently on your face, accordingly, the colors that you choose can positively or negatively affect the interview process. While cosmetics are another avenue for expressing your personality, less is more is a great axiom.
The fitting cosmetic colors, as with all of the colors within your C Color Spectrum will give you a glowing and flawless complexion.
The less than fitting cosmetic colors can give you the pretense of being drained, hard, unapproachable or frightening, all distracting aspects and far from the perfect elements when interviewing.
How To Identify The Optimal Colors For An Interview
The ideal interview candidate not only embodies the skills necessary to excel at the position applied for, but, also conveys aplomb.
As your handheld color specialist, the C Color App gives you the courage to choose and wear the exemplary colors, when interviewing, as well, as all other times.
To discern your natural desire for color and C Color Spectrum, take the five-minute C Color Quiz. The objective of the C Color Quiz is to select the image panels that you are instinctively drawn toward and that catch your eye, as in doing so, you are following your latent proclivities. The accurate color results emanate from intuitive selections, not thought choices. Thinking about your color choices will skew your results.
Due to this reason, receiving a Personal C Color Analysis differs from all others on the market.
Avail yourself of the C Color App to support you in choosing the superlative colors, originating from your implicit DNA inclinations.
You can employ the C Color App while shopping for clothing for your interview whether in stores or online.
Simply follow these steps below:
- Since all colors contain numerous colors, it is essential to photograph the item that you are considering at a distance and to color correct the photograph with the Lighting and Filters features.
- The photographed color must match the color of the actual item that the eyes see.
- Once the above two steps are completed, choose a zoomed in section of the pure color, even if blurred to match and the C Color App will reveal whether or not the color is within your C Color Spectrum.
- The built-in capability of the Smartphone to lighten or darken the photograph can be used, if necessary.
- Avoid bright areas and shadowed areas, as those conditions can affect the color match.
The C Color App is accurate, meets your color needs, answers your color questions, assists you in color decision making and saves you thousands of dollars by eliminating misguided color choices.
As an Amazon Affiliate, C Color earns from qualifying purchases.