In the Western world, the colors of black are traditionally worn when attending a funeral. Notwithstanding this fact, there are countries in other areas of the globe that traditionally don different colored clothing to funerals.
In the Hindu culture, the colors of white represent purity and are traditionally worn at funerals to show respect to the deceased and the deceased’s family.
Similarly, in China and in numerous other Asian cultures, white colors are traditionally worn at funerals, as well.
Interestingly enough, pink colors are traditionally worn in China by funeral attendees if the deceased is eighty years old or older, as the Chinese believe that living to eighty or beyond is a cause for celebration, rather than a cause for mourning.
Conversely, widows in Thailand wear purple colors when mourning, while the other funeral attendees are expected to wear black colors. In Thailand the colors of purple represent sorrow.
In Latin America, every November a celebration occurs called Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, which is a lively celebration of both life and death. The festival originated in Mexico, although, the occasion is widely celebrated throughout Latin America. Día de los Muertos is a two day festival that celebrates the lives of the deceased with food, beverages/spirits, parties and activities that the deceased enjoyed while alive. The most well known symbols of this festival are “calacas,” or skeletons, and “calaveras,” or skulls. This festival comprises vibrant colors, therefore, it is traditional to wear skull masks or apply skull face paint in honor and remembrance of the departed. Different colors have different meanings during Día de los Muertos; yellow represents the sun and unity, red represents blood and life, purple represents mourning, pink represents happiness, and white represents purity and hope.
Funeral Colors And The Western World
When attending a funeral, it is important to note that the families of the deceased often have special attire requests named by the wishes of the deceased. Examples of this would be not to wear a tie or only to wear brightly colored attire.
Moreover, an overall demure appearance is appropriate for most traditional Western funerals. Understated hair styles, cosmetics and accessories are always safe choices.
Quite often the importance of color is underestimated or completely overlooked, with the exception of interviews and funerals, even though, color is a fundamental aspect in the lives of all individuals and in all areas of life.
Additionally, people often confuse the temperatures of colors. Makeup artists, stylists, designers and most other industry professionals, categorize blues, greens and purples, as cool colors and reds, yellows and oranges, as warm colors and nothing could be further from the truth, as all colors can be cool or warm.
In this Blog Post, the colors of navy, purple, green, burgundy, brown, gray and black are offered, as appropriate colors for funeral attendees to wear to Western funerals.
The colors of dark blue, dark purple, dark green, burgundy, brown, medium to dark gray and gunmetal pair fittingly for a solemn and conservative gathering. These dark shades are in line with the colors of black and are more suitable for individuals that have wardrobes that comprise their superlative colors, founded on their inherent DNA predilections.
While black is considered to be traditional funeral attire, the variety of colors mentioned above are all considered to be acceptable for this type of occasion in the American culture.
For further information and in general, it is best to attempt to avoid colors such as reds, yellows, pinks, oranges and whites unless otherwise specified by the family of the deceased.
C Color is the first and only company to quantify intuitive color preferences. Quantifying intuitive color proclivities is the specialty of C Color and that Ideology and the C Color Methodology will instruct you in living life in your optimal color environment.
Colors Of Navy
Below are some examples of how each of the four C Color Spectrums can wear navy colors.
Please note that clothing and accessory colors are for reference only and do not represent the models’ C Color Spectrums.
Notice the differences in the four C Color Spectrums;
- C Color Spectrum 1 Blue is Cool/Blue Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Ash
- C Color Spectrum 2 Blue is Cool/Blue Based, More Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 3 Blue is Warm/Yellow Based, Moderately Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 4 Blue is Warm/Red Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Earth
The key is the base of the predominant color of one of the primary colors of blue, yellow and red.
C Color offers an innovative Methodology to navigate color and guides you in choosing the exemplary colors for your wardrobe, home, office, automobile interiors/exteriors and everything else in your world.
Colors Of Purple
Below are some examples of how each of the four C Color Spectrums can wear purple colors.
Please note that clothing and accessory colors are for reference only and do not represent the models’ C Color Spectrums.
Notice the differences in the four C Color Spectrums;
- C Color Spectrum 1 Purple is Cool/Blue Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Ash
- C Color Spectrum 2 Purple is Cool/Blue Based, More Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 3 Purple is Warm/Yellow Based, Moderately Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 4 Purple is Warm/Red Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Earth
The key is the base of the predominant color of one of the primary colors of blue, yellow and red.
The C Color Ideology is predicated upon a color gene within your DNA. You are born with intrinsic predispositions toward colors, consequently, you embody the virtue of color intelligence.
In view of the DNA implication, receiving a Personal C Color Analysis is a revolutionary experience.
Colors Of Green
Below are some examples of how each of the four C Color Spectrums can wear green colors.
Please note that clothing and accessory colors are for reference only and do not represent the models’ C Color Spectrums.
Notice the differences in the four C Color Spectrums;
- C Color Spectrum 1 Green is Cool/Blue Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Ash
- C Color Spectrum 2 Green is Cool/Blue Based, More Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 3 Green is Warm/Yellow Based, Moderately Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 4 Green is Warm/Red Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Earth
Hundreds of thousands of colors in the world have been classified into four C Color Spectrums. Each of the four C Color Spectrums is categorized by the predominant base of one of the primary colors of either blue, yellow or red.
Colors Of Burgundy
Below are some examples of how each of the four C Color Spectrums can wear burgundy colors.
Please note that clothing and accessory colors are for reference only and do not represent the models’ C Color Spectrums.
Notice the differences in the four C Color Spectrums;
- C Color Spectrum 1 Burgundy is Cool/Blue Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Ash
- C Color Spectrum 2 Burgundy is Cool/Blue Based, More Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 3 Burgundy is Warm/Yellow Based, Moderately Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 4 Burgundy is Warm/Red Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Earth
The key is the base of the predominant color of one of the primary colors of blue, yellow and red.
The predominant base of the color is paramount in determining to which C Color Spectrum a hue belongs.
Colors Of Brown And Black
Below are some examples of how each of the four C Color Spectrums can wear black and brown colors.
Please note that clothing and accessory colors are for reference only and do not represent the models’ C Color Spectrums.
Notice the differences in the four C Color Spectrums;
- C Color Spectrum 1 Black is Cool/Blue Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Ash
- C Color Spectrum 2 Black is Cool/Blue Based, More Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 3 Brown is Warm/Yellow Based, Moderately Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 4 Brown is Warm/Red Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Earth
The key is the base of the predominant color of one of the primary colors of blue, yellow and red.
In General, The Color Brown Does Not Appeal To Individuals Within C Color Spectrum 1 And C Color Spectrum 2, Thereupon The Colors Of Black Are Displayed
Colors Of Gray
Below are some examples of how each of the four C Color Spectrums can wear gray colors.
Please note that clothing and accessory colors are for reference only and do not represent the models’ C Color Spectrums.
Notice the differences in the four C Color Spectrums;
- C Color Spectrum 1 Grays are Cool/Blue Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Ash
- C Color Spectrum 2 Gray is Cool/Blue Based, More Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 3 Gray is Warm/Yellow Based, Moderately Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 4 Gray is Warm/Red Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Earth
The key is the base of the predominant color of one of the primary colors of blue, yellow and red.
Colors Of Black
The main objective when attending a funeral is to remember and honor the deceased. Black clothing has traditionally been chosen for funeral attire in Western countries. Funerals are considered to be somber occasions and wearing a black ensemble indicates that you are in mourning, however, dark colors of any sort can also indicate a subdued juncture.
C Color supports you in determining the colors that will enhance and complement your appearance.
There are millions of the color black and C Color Spectrum 1 and C Color Spectrum 2 wear the colors of black. C Color Spectrum 1 wears a Cool Blue Ash Based Black and C Color Spectrum 2 wears a Cool Blue Based Black.
C Color Spectrum 3 and C Color Spectrum 4 wear the colors of gunmetal. C Color Spectrum 3 wears a Warm Yellow Based Gunmetal and C Color Spectrum 4 wears a Warm Red Earth Based Gunmetal.
C Color Spectrum 3 and C Color Spectrum 4 can wear any of the colors of black from the décolletage area downward.
Below are some examples of how each of the four C Color Spectrums can wear black and gunmetal colors.
Please note that clothing and accessory colors are for reference only and do not represent the models’ C Color Spectrums.
Notice the differences in the four C Color Spectrums;
- C Color Spectrum 1 Black is Cool/Blue Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Ash
- C Color Spectrum 2 Black is Cool/Blue Based, More Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 3 Gunmetal is Warm/Yellow Based, Moderately Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 4 Gunmetal is Warm/Red Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Earth
The key is the base of the predominant color of one of the primary colors of blue, yellow and red.
C Color Spectrum 3 And C Color Spectrum 4 Can Wear The Colors Of Black From The Décolletage Area Downward, Thereupon The Color Of Gunmetal Is Displayed
In truth, all individuals can wear virtually all colors. Simply, ensure that the colors closest to your face are within your C Color Spectrum, thereby, ensuring that your complexion appears flawless and glows.
Your Natural Desire For Color And The C Color App
To determine your C Color Spectrum, take the five-minute C Color Quiz. The objective of the C Color Quiz is to select the color quadrant that immediately catches your eye. In doing so, you are following your latent color inclinations. Thinking about your color choices will skew your results.
Due to this reason, receiving a Personal C Color Analysis differs from all others on the market.
The double helix displayed above is intended to relay that color partialities are internal. The external features of hair colors, eye colors and complexion colors are irrelevant in verifying the most favorable colors for individuals. External features can be changed or change with maturity.
Wearing and utilizing colors within your C Color Spectrum can beautify your appearance, can enable you to think more clearly, can produce feelings of well-being, can motivate you to act your best, can assist you in absorbing new concepts more readily and distinctly and can aid you in healing.
- All colors contain numerous colors, accordingly, it is essential, once your C Color Spectrum is ascertained, to photograph the item that you are considering at a distance and to color correct the photograph with the Lighting and Filters features.
- The photographed color must match the color of the actual item that the eyes see.
- Once the above two steps are completed, choose a zoomed in section of the pure color, even if blurred to match and the C Color App will reveal whether or not the color is within your C Color Spectrum.
- The built-in capability of the Smartphone to lighten or darken the photograph can be used, if necessary.
- Avoid bright areas and shadowed areas, as those conditions can affect the color match.
The C Color App, as the 21st Century Palette and Color Consultant, is accurate, meets your color needs, answers your color questions, assists you in color decision making and saves you thousands of dollars by eliminating misguided color choices.
The C Color App can enable you to Look, Think, Feel, Act, Learn and Heal your best.