When selecting clothing items to wear, many individuals gravitate toward black.
Often, black is perceived as a sleek and flattering color that not only minimizes the effort involved in selecting outfits, but also minimizes the perception of the mass of the body.
Interesting enough, black is not a color, as black is devoid of color. White encompasses all colors, although, white is not considered a color, as well.
Many individuals accumulate a closet full of the color black, yet are drawn to colors other than black. When analyzing why individuals frequently wear black, you will find that psychological factors contribute to this widespread tendency.
Depending on your color proclivities, wearing all black could benefit you or hinder you.
You can develop a clear understanding of how to wear black appropriately, creatively and fashionably, by establishing the colors that are optimal colors for you.
Below are a few suggestions, regarding wearing the colors of black, albeit, first discover your color inclinations, by taking the C Color Quiz and downloading the C Color App.
The C Color Quiz determines your C Color Spectrum. C Color Spectrums are categories of hundreds of thousands of colors. Each of the four C Color Spectrums are classified by the temperature, saturation and predominant base of one of the primary colors of either blue, yellow or red. The Color App guides you in choosing your genetically preferred colors.
The C Color App has been revised and embellished and will be launching within the next couple of weeks.
The C Color Ideology is predicated upon a color gene within your DNA.
Millions of colors can be identified with the C Color database, that is embedded in the C Color App.
Glean Additional Color Consulting Advice From The C Color Blog
Why Do People Wear The Colors Of Black?
Why do individuals wear black frequently or wear only black from head to toe?
Contingent on who you ask, you will hear a variety of reasons behind the psychology of wearing black clothes.
Many people believe that black clothing accentuates or slims their figure. Others, associate black with seriousness, tenacity or power and wish to convey those messages or attitudes to people. The colors of black can also appear elegant and sophisticated, alternatively, so can the colors of navy, dark brown and charcoal.
Individuals who are adamant about wearing black may presume that they appear more attractive and authoritative and are therefore, more influential. In truth, if black is not an ideal color for you, affirmed from your immanent DNA preferences, the color black will drain the life from your skin and make you appear either sickly or invisible. An all black attire could lessen your ability to connect with people.
Color should enhance your appearance and draw others to you.
To direct you will this endeavor, C Color is excited to announce the launch of the C Color Online Store.
The First Collection Of C Color Products For Sale At The C Color Online Store Is C Color Coordinates.
C Color Coordinates are ensemble palettes of colors that are available for purchase by means of the links below or on the C Color website.
Click Below To Purchase C Color Spectrum Coordinated Ensemble Palettes
Please Note: C Color Coordinates Are Not Traditional Color Palettes
C Color Coordinates are meant to assist clients with the coordination and integration of colors and patterns into wardrobes, interiors and exteriors of homes, offices and automobiles, and beyond. The palettes are supplemental to the C Color App.
The hues in the palettes are from within your C Color Spectrum and portray vertical ensembles, patterns and colors that can be interchangeable.
Owning to the fact, that palettes are associated with the C Color Spectrums, it is a prerequisite to take the C Color Quiz.
Below is an example of a model in both C Color Spectrum 2, that has a predominant Cool Blue Base and C Color Spectrum 3, that has a predominant Warm Yellow Base.
Distinctly, when the model is clad in C Color Spectrum 3 colors, she has a flawless and glowing complexion, as the model, in reality, is within the C Color Spectrum 3 category.
The After Photograph Displays Yellow Based Hair And Makeup; Resulting In C Color Spectrum 3
How To Wear The Colors Of Black
Stylishly wearing black is possible for everyone, admittedly, there are a few caveats, that once learned, will accommodate you with your complexion, appearance, style and confidence.
Each individual is either a C Color Spectrum 1, C Color Spectrum 2, C Color Spectrum 3 or C Color Spectrum 4.
There are millions of the color black and C Color Spectrum 1 and C Color Spectrum 2 wear the colors of black. C Color Spectrum 1 wears a Cool Blue Ash Based Black and C Color Spectrum 2 wears a Cool Blue Based Black.
C Color Spectrum 3 and C Color Spectrum 4 wear the colors of gunmetal. C Color Spectrum 3 wears a Warm Yellow Based Gunmetal and C Color Spectrum 4 wears a Warm Red Earth Based Gunmetal.
C Color Spectrum 3 and C Color Spectrum 4 can wear any of the colors of black from the décolletage area downward.
If C Color Spectrum 3 and C Color Spectrum 4 individuals must wear black from the décolletage upward, a shirt or blouse underneath the black belonging and/or a vest, scarf or large piece of jewelry that covers the décolletage will aid in reducing the subpar color. The objective is to minimize the color of black from around the neck and shoulders, specifically, the décolletage area.
Below are examples of how each of the four C Color Spectrums can wear black and gunmetal colors.
Please note that clothing and accessory colors are for reference only and do not represent the models’ C Color Spectrums.
Notice the differences in the four C Color Spectrums;
- C Color Spectrum 1 Black is Cool/Blue Based, Less Saturated, Appears Rubbed with Ash
- C Color Spectrum 2 Black is Cool/Blue Based, More Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 3 Gunmetal is Warm/Yellow Based, Moderately Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 4 Gunmetal is Warm/Red Based, Less Saturated, Appears Rubbed with Earth
The key is the base of the predominant color of one of the primary colors of blue, yellow and red.
C Color Spectrum 3 And C Color Spectrum 4 Can Wear The Colors Of Black From The Décolletage Area Downward, Thereupon The Color Of Gunmetal Is Displayed
What To Wear With The Colors Of Black
Which colors best blend with black? With more than 16.7 million colors in the world, it is impossible to distill them down to a few combinations, however, favorable suggestions can be offered.
Ideal colors to wear with the colors of black include whites, creams, blues, purples, greens and browns, as these colors are not overwhelmed by the colors of black.
Wearing oranges and yellows with the colors of black can elicit thoughts of Halloween and bumble bees and intense reds combined with the colors of black, can create two strong hues that may conflict.
C Color is an Amazon Affiliate. The products offered in the C Color Blog Post are certified to be within C Color Spectrum 3.
Along with C Color Coordinates, the introduced ensembles teach you to construct and harmoniously blend a wardrobe affirmed by your C Color Spectrum.
The below C COLOR SPECTRUM 3 merchandise is presented in a variety of price points. Succedent, the accessories can be intermixed with each main garment.
To View More Apparel, Accessories, And Makeup, Please Visit The C Color/Amazon Storefront
The C Color Methodology is established upon the foundation of a color gene within your DNA. You are intrinsically drawn to your complimentary colors. C Color substantiates the C Color Spectrum that you belong to and provides you with personalized color consulting.
Below are examples of how each of the four C Color Spectrums can wear black and gunmetal colors.
Please note that clothing and accessory colors are for reference only and do not represent the models’ C Color Spectrums.
Notice the differences in the four C Color Spectrums;
- C Color Spectrum 1 Black is Cool/Blue Based, Less Saturated, Appears Rubbed with Ash
- C Color Spectrum 2 Black is Cool/Blue Based, More Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 3 Gunmetal is Warm/Yellow Based, Moderately Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 4 Gunmetal is Warm/Red Based, Less Saturated, Appears Rubbed with Earth
The key is the base of the predominant color of one of the primary colors of blue, yellow and red.
C Color Spectrum 3 And C Color Spectrum 4 Can Wear The Colors Of Black From The Décolletage Area Downward, Thereupon The Color Of Gunmetal Is Displayed
C Color is the first and only company to quantify intuitive color preferences. Quantifying intuitive color proclivities is the specialty of C Color and that Ideology and the C Color Methodology will sustain you in living life in your unrivaled color environment.
Per the C Color Methodology, all individuals can wear virtually all colors. It is the predominant base of the color that is the key.
Live Life With C Color and Enliven Your Black Wardrobe 
All individuals belong to one of the four C Color Spectrums. The C Color Spectrums are predicated upon DNA.
You are born with inherent color predilections, but, over the years, fashion trends, celebrities or the influences of friends and family can sway you from your ingrained color choices.
As a result, you may apply and wear colors that are inferior for you. Your C Color Spectrum colors are unequaled and there are hundreds of thousands of colors in your arsenal. The C Color database can actually identify millions of colors.
To discover your natural desire for color take the simple, five-minute C Color Quiz. The goal of the C Color Quiz is to select the color quadrant that immediately catches your eye. In doing so, you are following your instinctive color partialities. Thinking about your color choices will skew your results, as the accurate results of the C Color Quiz emanate from intuitive selections, not thought choices.
Due to this reason, receiving a Personal C Color Analysis differs from all others on the market.
The C Color App on your mobile device will be programmed to your C Color Spectrum and will confirm whether or not the colors that you choose are within your C Color Spectrum.
By surrounding yourself with the colors from within your C Color Spectrum, your wardrobe and all else will harmonize and commingle with ease, supplying you the luxury of convenience and the benefit of confidence with respect to your color choices.
Employ the C Color App to photograph everything in your world, thereby authenticating your choicest colors.
- All colors contain numerous colors, accordingly, it is imperative while shopping in stores or online to photograph the item that you are considering at a distance and to color correct the photograph with the Lighting and Filters features.
- The photographed color must match the color of the actual item that the eyes see.
- Once the above two steps are completed, choose a zoomed in section of the pure color, even if blurred to match and the C Color App will reveal whether or not the color is within your C Color Spectrum.
- The Built-in capability of the Smartphone to lighten or darken the photograph can be used, if necessary.
- Avoid bright areas and shadowed areas, as those conditions can affect the color match.
With the support of the C Color App, you can create unparalleled colored apparel, accompanied with the colors of black and hundreds of thousands of other colors, as well.
If you wear all black, rethink your choice, rethink your wardrobe, rethink the colors in your life, with the C Color App.
The C Color App, as the 21st Century Palette and Color Consultant is the expert Eye, that meets your color needs, answers your color questions, assists you in color decision making and saves you thousands of dollars by eliminating misguided color choices.
The C Color Methodology can enable you to look, think, feel, act, learn and heal your best, whether you belong to a C Color Spectrum that wears black or not.
As an Amazon Affiliate, C Color earns from qualifying purchases.