With millions of colors and color variations in existence, discovering the hues that complement you can be a perplexing endeavor.

If you feel overwhelmed or indecisive when shopping for new colored clothes or even selecting cosmetic colors, nail polish colors or accessory colors, you most likely are unaware or uncertain of your incomparable colors.

Color Analysis Quizzes  

With the proper color analysis quiz and Methodology, you can ascertain your unparalleled colors, thereby eliminating the need to spend money on unreliable color analyses or consultations.

Color analysis quizzes and consultations are designed to match you with a specific category of colors that the creator of the quiz or consultant deem ideal for you.

Dozens of color analysis quizzes are available online, and most, if not all employ the seasonal color analysis methodThis system identifies your “season” by route of your external features, such as hair color, eye color and complexion color and associates each season with a color palette.

Adjectives have been chosen to name the individual’s season type and those, albeit confusing and relatively indistinguishable are as follows: spring, summer, autumn, winter or light spring, clear spring, warm spring, light summer, soft summer, cool summer, deep autumn, soft autumn, warm autumn, deep winter, clear winter, cool winter.  

The problem with the seasonal system, in addition to the confounding and interchangeable monikers, is that external features consist of numerous colors and hair colors, eye colors and skin colors can be altered. As a result, taking the same color analysis quiz multiple times can produce different results.

Notwithstanding the fact, that your season can change, each seasonal color palette consists of a limited number of colors, approximately 30 to 50, hence, locating the colors within the palette, while shopping in stores or online can be problematic.

Once you take the one of a kind DNA-implied color analysis quiz, your C Color Spectrum is revealed. Hundreds of thousands of colors, as millions have been catalogued, can be identified with ease, emanating in a limitless personal color palette.

There are 16.7 million identified colors in the world. Individuals from each C Color Spectrum can wear and surround themselves with millions of blues, yellows, reds, greens, purples, oranges, burgundies, grays and all other colors.

Introducing The C Color Quiz, Ideology And Methodology 

Your search for the most accurate and reliable color analysis quiz and color matching Methodology ends here.

C Color is the only DNA-championed color Methodology that can aid you in discovering your consummate colors. Close to all, if not all color analysis quizzes and methods rely on your external features to deduce your colors.  

The C Color Ideology is established solely by your internal, genetic proclivities. All human beings have a latent intelligence for color, therefore, if you are instinctively drawn to a color, that is an inherent color inclination. Due to that fact, the results of the C Color Quiz are accurate.

C Color is the first and only company to quantify intuitive color preferences and that specialty and the C Color Ideology and Methodology will support you in living life in your optimal color environment.  

The hundreds of thousands of colors mentioned above, have been classified into four distinct C Color Spectrums and you belong to only one C Color Spectrum. All of the colors within a C Color Spectrum share a base color. The base color is a predominant primary color that is either blue, yellow or red.

To quell those less than favorable emotions of overwhelm and feelings of indecisiveness toward shopping for colored clothing, accessories, cosmetics, nail polish, and the rest, the revised and embellished C Color App will be launching within the next couple of weeks.

C Color also offers an Online Store that sells C Color Coordinates. C Color Coordinates are ensemble palettes of colors that are available for purchase by means of the links below or on the C Color website.


Click Below To Purchase C Color Spectrum Coordinated Ensemble Palettes 


C Color Spectrum 3

Please Note: C Color Coordinates Are Not Traditional Color Palettes

C Color Coordinates are meant to assist clients with the coordination and integration of colors and patterns into wardrobes, interiors and exteriors of homes, offices and automobiles, and beyond. The palettes are supplemental to the C Color App.

The hues in the palettes are from within your C Color Spectrum and portray vertical ensembles, patterns and colors that can be interchangeable.

C Color Spectrums are categories of hundreds of thousands of colors. Each of the four. C Color Spectrums are classified by the temperature, saturation, and predominant base of one of the primary colors of either blue, yellow, or red.

Owning to the fact, that palettes are associated with the C Color Spectrums, it is a prerequisite to take the C Color Quiz.

The proprietary five-minute C Color Quiz is how you discern your C Color Spectrum.

Learn More About The Four C Color Spectrums Here

How To Take The C Color Quiz

The C Color Quiz is quick, simple and effective. Follow these steps to determine your C Color Spectrum:

  1. Visit ccolor.com to create a free account and take the C Color Quiz.
  2. During the C Color Quiz, you will be guided through a series of colored panels. Choose the colors that you are instantly and instinctively drawn towards. In other words, choose the first color per panel that catches your eye. By doing this, you are tapping into your ingrained color inclinations. Since the accurate results of the C Color Quiz emanate from intuitive choices, not thought choices, thinking about your color selections will skew your results.
  3. The C Color Quiz will verify your C Color Spectrum, that will be programmed to your mobile device, via the C Color App.
  4. A Personal C Color Analysis differs from all others on the market.

Steps To Utilize The C Color App

Employ the C Color Appto photograph and color match any belonging, to confirm whether the object is within your C Color Spectrum. 

  • All colors contain numerous colors, accordingly, it is essential to photograph the item that you are considering at a distance and to color correct the photograph with the Lighting and Filters features.
  • The photographed color must match the color of the actual item that the eyes see.
  • Once the above two steps are completed, choose a zoomed in section of the pure color, even if blurred to match and the C Color App will reveal whether or not the color is exemplary for you.
  • The built-in capability of the Smartphone to lighten or darken the photograph can be used, if necessary. 
  • Avoid bright areas and shadowed areas, as those conditions can affect the color match.   

Below are examples of how each of the four C Color Spectrums can wear green, burgundy, pink and teal colors.

Please note that hair and cosmetics colors are for reference only and do not represent the models’ C Color Spectrums.


Notice the differences in the four C Color Spectrums;

  • C Color Spectrum 1 Green is Cool/Blue Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Ash
  • C Color Spectrum 2 Burgundy is Cool/Blue Based, More Saturated
  • C Color Spectrum 3 Pink is Warm/Yellow Based, Moderately Saturated
  • C Color Spectrum 4 Teal is Warm/Red Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Earth

The key is the base of the predominant color of one of the primary colors of blue, yellow and red.

You can achieve color harmony with your clothing, accessories, cosmetics, interiors, exteriors and in all other areas of your life when you avail yourself of the C Color App.

For example, if you update your wardrobe with the colors within your C Color Spectrum, you will be able to create ensembles effortlessly, as all of your garments will coordinate and intermingle with ease, supplying coveted convenience.

Or, consider your C Color Spectrum colors while you shop for home decor or are selecting paint colors. By following your immanent color partialities you can create a living environment that pleases, excites and inspires you. 


Correspondingly, C Color is an Amazon Affiliate. The products offered in the C Color Blog Post are certified to be within C Color Spectrum 3.

Along with C Color Coordinates, the introduced ensembles teach you to construct and harmoniously blend a wardrobe affirmed by your C Color Spectrum.

The below C COLOR SPECTRUM 3 merchandise is presented in a variety of price points. Succedent, the accessories can be intermixed with each main garment.

Click Here To View Collection

To View More Apparel, Accessories, And Makeup, Please Visit The C Color/Amazon Storefront


The C Color App Is Your Color Palette

With C Color, curating a wardrobe, home, life and beyond is undemanding and uncomplicated. The C Color App is programmed to your C Color Spectrum and since millions of colors have been analyzed, an unlimited color palette is available to you.

Below are examples of how each of the four C Color Spectrums can wear teal, burgundy and floral colors.

Please note that hair and cosmetics colors are for reference only and do not represent the models’ C Color Spectrums.


Notice the differences in the four C Color Spectrums;

  • C Color Spectrum 1 Teal is Cool/Blue Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Ash
  • C Color Spectrum 2 Burgundy is Cool/Blue Based, More Saturated
  • C Color Spectrum 3 Pink and Purple Floral are Warm/Yellow Based, Moderately Saturated
  • C Color Spectrum 4 Teal is Warm/Red Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Earth

The key is the base of the predominant color of one of the primary colors of blue, yellow and red.

Unlike other color quizzes, the C Color Quiz can provide valuable insight into your instinctive color predilections and that results in effective color resolutions.

The C Color Ideology is predicated upon a color gene within your DNA. You are born with intrinsic predispositions toward colors, consequently, you embody the virtue of color intelligence. 

The C Color App is the 21st Century Palette and Color Consultant, that is accurate, meets your color needs, answers your color questions, assists in color decision making and saves you thousands of dollars by eliminating misguided color choices.

Appropriately, the online C Color experience teaches you to apply color to successfully express yourself.

Below is an example of a model in both C Color Spectrum 1, that has a predominant Cool Blue Ash Base and appears rubbed with ash and C Color Spectrum 3, that has a predominant Warm Yellow Base.

Distinctly, when the model is clad in C Color Spectrum 3 colors, she has a flawless and glowing complexion, as the model, in reality, is within the C Color Spectrum 3 category.

The After Photograph Displays Yellow Based Hair, Makeup And Dress; Resulting In C Color Spectrum 3

By taking the C Color Quiz, utilizing the C Color App Methodology and adhering to the C Color Ideology, you can Look, Think, Feel, Act, Learn and Heal your best.

Download The C Color App And Take The C Color Quiz Today!


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