Color can not only influence your state of mind, but, can affect your actions as well. Many people do not realize the effects of color on behavior, however, thoughts can directly influence your deeds. When you look, think and feel well, your actions will follow suit.
Wearing the consummate colors can stimulate and inspire you to take desired steps. Color and laudable actions are compatible partners.
Conversely, the less than exemplary color choices can diminish your demeanor and negatively affect your disposition, that in turn can create unpredictable feelings or sudden changes in your mood. The wrong color choices also wash out your complexion and your features disappear. Essentially, you vanish!
Understanding The C Color® Methodology
C Color is the first and only company to quantify intuitive color preferences. Quantifying intuitive color proclivities is the specialty of C Color and that Ideology and the C Color Methodology will allow you to live life in your optimal color environment.
The C Color Ideology is predicated upon a color gene within your DNA. You are born with intrinsic tendencies toward colors, consequently, you embody the virtue of color intelligence.
When you choose and wear the colors from your C Color Spectrum, you are following an internal trait. As a consequence, not only does your complexion appear flawless and glow, but your overall appearance is also beatified, assuring that you look, think, feel, act, learn, and heal your best.
Alternately, when the colors in your environment are not your native inclination colors, the colors can drain your energy, cast a pall over your mood, cloud your thinking and create an overall negative outlook.
Typically, when you are in the state mentioned above, motivation is lessened and that can conclude in unwanted behavior or failure to take affirmative action.
Below is an example of a model in both C Color Spectrum 1, that has a predominant Cool Blue Ash Base and appears rubbed with ash and C Color Spectrum 3, that has a predominant Warm Yellow Base.
Distinctly, when the model is clad in C Color Spectrum 3 colors, she has a flawless and glowing complexion, as the model, in reality, is within the C Color Spectrum 3 category.
The After Photograph Displays Yellow Based Hair, Makeup And Dress; Resulting In C Color Spectrum 3
C Color advocates that wearing and surrounding yourself in the colors within your C Color Spectrum can positively elevate your mood and behavior.
Essentially, the incomparable colors should be executed in all aspects of your life, thereupon, C Color shows you how to apply the C Color App to your daily routine; health, education, décor, fashion and beyond, all while giving you the ability to express your propensity for color.
Since you have a proclivity for color, you are inherently drawn to the colors that appear the best on you and those colors can commendingly affect your countenance.
Below are examples of how each of the four C Color Spectrums can wear black and gunmetal colors.
Please note that clothing and accessory colors are for reference only and do not represent the models’ C Color Spectrums.
Notice the differences in the four C Color Spectrums;
- C Color Spectrum 1 Black is Cool/Blue Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Ash
- C Color Spectrum 2 Black is Cool/Blue Based, More Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 3 Gunmetal is Warm/Yellow Based, Moderately Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 4 Gunmetal is Warm/Red Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Earth
The key is the base of the predominant color of one of the primary colors of blue, yellow and red.
C Color Spectrum 3 And C Color Spectrum 4 Can Wear The Colors Of Black From The Décolletage Area Downward, Thereupon The Color Of Gunmetal Is Displayed
C Color offers an innovative Methodology to navigate color and relieves you of the need to guess at choosing the superlative colors for your wardrobe, home, office and beyond.
The abundance of colors in the world have been classified into the four C Color Spectrums. The predominant base of the colors is the key to your C Color Spectrum, that is one of the primary colors of blue, yellow and red.
Discover Your C Color Spectrum
To determine your natural direction toward color and your C Color Spectrum, take the five-minute C Color Quiz. The C Color Quiz is simple, intuitive and effective. Select the image panels that you are instinctively drawn toward and that catch your eye. The accurate color consummation is sanctioned by intuitive selections, not thought choices. Thinking about your color choices will skew the aftermath.
Due to this reason, receiving a Personal C Color Analysis differs from all others on the market.
Utilize The C Color® App To Inspire Earnest Actions
The C Color Ideology supports you in determining your C Color Spectrum by tapping into your ingrained dispositions. Subsequently, the C Color App, as your 21st Century Palette and Color Consultant reinforces you in deeming the commendable colors.
The C Color App is your personal C Color Consultant, that is at your fingertips and guides you in making the most favorable color choices, substantiated by your immanent DNA predilections.
Once your C Color Spectrum is authenticated, avail yourself of the C Color App to discern whether or not your assets are within your C Color Spectrum.
While Shopping In Stores Or Online
- All Colors Contain Numerous Colors, It is Imperative To Photograph Goods At A Distance
- Color Correct Photograph With Lighting And Filters Features
- Photographed Color Must Match Color Of Actual Item Eyes See
- Choose Zoomed In Section Of Pure Color, Even If Blurred, To Match
- C Color App Will Convey Whether Or Not Color Is Within C Color Spectrum
Appropriate the built-in capability of the Smartphone to lighten or darken the photograph, if necessary.
Avoid bright areas and shadowed areas, as those conditions can affect the color match.
Below are examples of how each of the four C Color Spectrums can wear gray, blue, red, black, charcoal and burgundy textured and patterned colors.
Please note that clothing and accessory colors are for reference only and do not represent the models’ C Color Spectrums.
Notice the differences in the four C Color Spectrums;
- C Color Spectrum 1 Gray and Blue are Cool/Blue Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Ash
- C Color Spectrum 2 Red and Black are Cool/Blue Based, More Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 3 Blue and Charcoal are Warm/Yellow Based, Moderately Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 4 Burgundy and Gray are Warm/Red Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Earth
The key is the base of the predominant color of one of the primary colors of blue, yellow and red.
While at home, you can employ the C Color App in the same fashion, as when shopping at stores or online. Simply take photographs of your wardrobe to ascertain whether or not the colors are within your C Color Spectrum.
Once all of the colors in your closet are within your C Color Spectrum, creating ensembles will be simplified, as you will have achieved color harmony. In other words, clothes pair fluently and categorically and the ease of convenience is the outcome.
In truth, all individuals can wear virtually all colors. Simply, ensure that the colors closest to your face are within your C Color Spectrum, and your complexion will glow and appear flawless.
Below are examples of how each of the four C Color Spectrums can wear black and gunmetal colors.
Please note that clothing and accessory colors are for reference only and do not represent the models’ C Color Spectrums.
Notice the differences in the four C Color Spectrums;
- C Color Spectrum 1 Black is Cool/Blue Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Ash
- C Color Spectrum 2 Black is Cool/Blue Based, More Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 3 Gunmetal is Warm/Yellow Based, Moderately Saturated
- C Color Spectrum 4 Gunmetal is Warm/Red Based, Less Saturated, Rubbed with Earth
The key is the base of the predominant color of one of the primary colors of blue, yellow and red.
C Color Spectrum 3 And C Color Spectrum 4 Can Wear The Colors Of Black From The Décolletage Area Downward, Thereupon The Color Of Gunmetal Is Displayed
Act Your Best With C Color®
Action is defined, as the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim.
Per the C Color Ideology, the colors within your C Color Spectrum can genuinely affect your actions. Ergo C Color encourages you to focus on the impact that colors have on your moods and actions.
Wearing and surrounding yourself with the colors within your C Color Spectrum can assure that you look your best, think your best, feel your best and accordingly, act your best.
The unparalleled colors can not only motivate you to act your best, but, can enhance your appearance, can enable you to think more clearly, can produce feelings of well-being, can assist you in absorbing new concepts more readily and distinctly and can aid you in healing.
The Eye of the C Color App is accurate, meets your color needs, answers your color questions, assists you in color decision making and saves you thousands of dollars by eliminating misguided color choices.