There are an infinite number of colors.
C Color assists you in choosing the colors that are optimal for you.
C Color Spectrum 3 colors are created with a Warm Yellow Base and are Warm hues. The intensity or shade of the colors are of no concern, only the fact, that the base of the colors is Warm Yellow.
Every individual can wear virtually every color. It is the base of the color that determines if a particular hue is within C Color Spectrum 3. The color black can appeal to people in the C Color Spectrum 3 category, albeit, difficult to wear near the face, the color can be incorporated into your wardrobe.
“Every individual can wear virtually every color. It is the base of the color that determines if a particular hue is within C Color Spectrum 3. The color black can appeal to people in the C Color Spectrum 3 category, albeit, difficult to wear near the face, the color can be incorporated into your wardrobe.”
The color black is challenging for C Color Spectrum 3 individuals, due to the fact, that if the black color was created with a primary color, other than Warm Yellow, the color will not enhance your appearance. If the color is created with a Warm Yellow Base, for example, a warm yellow based color of gunmetal, your image will be complemented.
As you embark on your C Color journey, there are a few factors to keep in mind. C Color Spectrum 3 individuals can confuse their colors with the colors of C Color Spectrum 2 and C Color Spectrum 4.
C Color Spectrum 3 and C Color Spectrum 4 are warm colors; however, C Color Spectrum 3 is created with a Yellow Base and C Color Spectrum 4 is created with a Red Earth Base.
Although, C Color Spectrum 3 and C Color Spectrum 2 are created with different bases, both C Color Spectrums can be more saturated in color; C Color Spectrum 3: Warm Yellow Base, C Color Spectrum 3: Cool Blue Base.
C Color Spectrum 3 and C Color Spectrum 1 are rarely confused, as the bases are different, as well, as the cool and warm components.
The colors that comprise C Color Spectrum 3 will add a glow and flawless aspect to your complexion. If the base of the color is incorrect, then the color will either wear you, that means that others notice the color, not you or the color will drain the life from your skin.
The optimal colors are crucial from the chest area upward. Thus, all colors can be worn from the chest area downward, however, individuals innately choose the colors within their C Color Spectrums, as we all embody a color gene, that is a part of our DNA.
This Ideology applies to all genders. If you wear cosmetics, your colors can be worn with or without the enhancement of the face paint.
Hair color becomes relevant if the color of your hair, is not within C Color Spectrum 3. In other words, not warm Yellow Based.
C Color Spectrum 3 individuals utilize Warm Yellow Based hair colors. Traditionally, these colors include silver shades, cream/platinum shades, blonde shades, red shades, brown shades, espresso shades, and gunmetal shades.
It is equally as important to live in your color environment, as it is to wear the colors from C Color Spectrum 3. Housing, office, automobile; interiors/exteriors, lighting, educational materials etc., can all have a positive effect on your well-being.
Immerse yourself with the colors of C Color Spectrum 3, as your color preferences are innate and originate from a color gene that is a part of your DNA.
Following the above can enable you to look, think, feel, act, learn and heal your best.

Since there are 16.7 million colors in the world, it is nearly impossible to discern the C Color Spectrum 3 hues. That is why C Color founder, Lynette M. Carlucci-Hayde created the C Color App. The C Color App is your personal C Color Consultant and will assist you in identifying the colors that can allow you to look, think, feel, act, learn and heal your best.
Simply snap a photo of the items that you wear, wish to purchase and surround yourself with and the C Color App will confirm or deny if the colors are within C Color Spectrum 3.
The C Color App as the expert Eye is accurate, meets your needs, answers your questions, assists you in decision making and saves you thousands of dollars, by eliminating misguided color choices.
For your convenience, C Color Coordinates are being sold in the C Color Store. The palettes of colors and patterns assist with the coordination and integration of ensembles. Accordingly, all colors are from within your C Color Spectrum.